Page name: Pirates Palace [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-09-14 23:12:57
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If you would like a postion on the staff, please message [Angelic nightmares]

As you walk in, a cloud of smoke makes your eyes water. The tiny restaurant has a strong smell of rum, whiskey, ciggattes and food. Suddenly you hear a random voice that says, "Ello Puppets. Welcome to Pirates Palace. Please, come in, find a seat, and order something to eat and/or drink. We have a full menu, and your waitress Emma will be with you shortly."

There are tables and chairs all over the place. A rather large man from behind the counter says: "Find yerself a seat and some one will be with ya in a min...." you look around for a second, and then spot a seat,and slowly walk over, and sit down.

A woman with long raven dark curls walks up to you. She flashes you a smile, as she tucks a bit of her hair behind her ear. She reaches into one of her pockets, and hands you a folded slip of paper. You take the paper, and look at it, for a minute.

You turn your attention to her, a confused look on your face. The woman giggles, and then speaks, "My names Emma, and thats your Menu When your ready to order, just let me know."

On the back of the Menu you notice a strange script. After staring at it for a few minutes, you realise that it says Our Wonderful Staff

Add your name to: My Pirates and pick up a banner at: Pirates Palace Banners

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2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and continues giggling ~

2006-04-22 [Bookwyrm]: ::hides:: Gah o.o can't keep up with everything T_T

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs and whispers ~ I think Michelle had a little too much to drink! ~ laughs some more ~

2006-04-22 [Bookwyrm]: ::giggles::...::tackles her:: That's okay

2006-04-22 [Angelic nightmares]: o.o Ryan, How did you know? -snugggggles Traci-

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: ..... Is there a reason I got fired???

2006-04-22 [Angelic nightmares]: No....What was your job title?

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ giggles alittle and looks around the pub ~

2006-04-22 [Angelic nightmares]: -appears behind Ryan- Can I get you something?

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ vanishes and reappears above Emma as he looks down ~ I think I could go for the hardest meade you have in stock!

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: I was a waitress....

2006-04-22 [Angelic nightmares]: Ok then. Please serve this gentleman, and I'll put you back on the staff

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *nods and walks over to Demonic sephiroth* So, what was it you wanted?

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ watches the two as he floats to the rafters of the pub and sits among them ~

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *follows* Hello???

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ drops his masamune to the ground as it land straight up in the ground behind the waitress ~

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *takes a step foward* Uhhhhhh?

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at the waitress ~ Up here...

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *looks up* Oh, hello! Can I get you anything???

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles slightly and nods ~ I want some of the hardest meade you have in stock! and also i give this to you for protection, ~ hands the waitress a katana called the maramune and enchants it for her ~ This will keep you safe!

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *eyes the katana* I need this why?

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks the waitress in the eyes ~ I know pubs get a little.....well... rough. You may need that incase someone tries to harm you!

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *smiles* Thank you! *takes the katana and puts it at her side* Your food will be here in a minute. *takes the note and gives it to the chef and comes back to Demonic Sephiroth*

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks down and sees the waitress ~ Wanna sit here ?

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *smiles and climbs up into the rafters* So, whats your name.

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at the waitress as his eyes flash dark blue and black ~ My name is Keyurg Kirosake, what is your name?

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: Kiche. *she held out her hand as if to shake*

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ grabs a hold of Kiche's hand and instead of shaking it, he kisses it lightly ~

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *smiles* Its a pleasure to meet you!

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods ~ The pleasure is mine Kiche!

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: Keyurg, was it? Ah yes... so, how was it you found this place?

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at Emma and then back at you ~ She lead me here! I am just what you would call a servant, i guess

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: A servent? *turns head slightly to the side*

2006-04-22 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma blinks for a moment, the shakes her head, "But mate, your so much more than what you call a servent. Your a friend"

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and looks at Emma ~ A friend is a servant to their friends in order to give them the perfect balance of love hate and happiness! ~ smiles and looks back at Kiche and readies his magic hand making a ball of ice as he shifts it from finger to finger not dropping it ~

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *smiles* Thats sweet! ^_^

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ makes the ball of ice into a perfect ice rose and his eyes flash dark red and black as he looks at it, it shimmers beautifully in the light. and he hands it to Kiche ~

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *takes it and examines it* ITS BEAUTIFUL!..... *looks at him, smiling. She carefully lays the rose next to her and hugs Keyurg* Thank you! Its so pretty!

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and hugs Kiche back and stabs his masamune in the rafter and jumps up on it keeping his balance and stands on it perfectly ~

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *sits back down and picks up the rose, examining it* Its so perfect....

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ continues looking at Kiche ~ So... how did you come to work here in this place?

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *looks up at him* A friend showed me this place.... you grow attatched! And so, here I am now!

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and nods ~ I have to agree!

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *smiles and looks back to the ice rose*

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and climbs down and sits beside you ~

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: How did you make this???

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at her ~ With concentration and consideration

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *smiles* consideration?

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods ~ Yes, consideration of the heart will perfect anything!

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *nods* that makes sense!

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods slightly ~

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *hugs Keyurg*

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ wraps his arms around you and lifts you up off the rafters as he floats in mid air ~

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *clings tightly* What?

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles ~ Calm down, its ok! ~ smiles as one huge white wing and one huge black wing unfurl from his back ~ You are safe as long as you are with me!

2006-04-22 [Kiche]: *loosens grip and relaxes, knowing shes safe* Your an angel?

2006-04-22 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods and smiles ~

2006-04-22 [Angelic nightmares]: -gets up and walks out the door- I'll be back later

2006-04-23 [Kiche]: *smiles* Later Emma! *rests her head on his shoulder* It'll be alright.....

2006-04-23 [-dot-]: *talks* HI

2006-04-23 [Kiche]: *looks down* Hello! Are you new here?

2006-04-23 [KnightAngel]: New*

2006-04-23 [-dot-]: Sooooooooooooooorta.. I'm a window shopper :)

2006-04-23 [KnightAngel]: *grins* Tried that.. XP

2006-04-23 [-dot-]: Its all fun and games but makes ya kind hungry at times.

2006-04-23 [KnightAngel]: Don't know about that.... Since I am pretty much always hungry XD

2006-04-23 [Kiche]: -_- *hugs Keyurg again and jumps down onto the floor, landing on her feet she stood up* Are you seating alone?

2006-04-23 [-dot-]: I've been told I remind Michelle of a fat kid who hasn't eaten for a week!

2006-04-23 [Kiche]: -_-''' Well then, we must feed you. Shouldnt we!

2006-04-24 [Bookwyrm]: Cake! ^_^ Thank you for your time! We now return you to your regular broadcast schedule!

2006-04-24 [sita14]: My b-day is on saturday :P I'll be 17!!!

2006-04-24 [Angelic nightmares]: congrads AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY

2006-04-24 [-dot-]: that means you're gonna be OOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.. anyways, Happy Birthday

2006-04-24 [Angelic nightmares]: -punches Ray- At least shes not Old like you ^-^

2006-04-24 [someelf]: .> *Is getting 17 too soon >.>.<.<* >_< nu old x.x *hugs [sita14]* Happy birthday anyway ^^ *shall send gift :D*

2006-04-24 [KnightAngel]: Happy birthday ^^'

2006-04-24 [sita14]: Thank you :P

2006-04-24 [KnightAngel]: Welcome ^^'

2006-04-24 [sita14]: So, what's everyone been up to?

2006-04-24 [KnightAngel]: I have just been to the employment office o.o And boy that was a long walk o.o And you?

2006-04-24 [someelf]: Your welcome ^^ --And nothing XD

2006-04-24 [sita14]: I've been dealing with school, wishing for summer vacation.

2006-04-24 [someelf]: Awww, will come soon :D

2006-04-24 [sita14]: I know. About 2 months. A little less.

2006-04-24 [someelf]: It go4es fast c.c;;

2006-04-26 [Kyromanic]: Holas caballeros ^^ 'ow are ye?

2006-04-26 [someelf]: I be fine and you+

2006-05-12 [nokaredes]:, wiki, live! *gives it CPR*

2006-05-12 [sita14]: I have prom tonight!!!!

2006-05-12 [someelf]: Much fun then!! :D

2006-05-12 [sita14]: I hope so. I'm going with a couple of friends and we're going to dinner first. At least that was the plan...

2006-05-12 [someelf]: I hope you'll enjoy it :) Have muccccch fun ^^

2006-05-12 [sita14]: Thank you :P

2006-05-12 [someelf]: \3 No problem

2006-05-12 [KnightAngel]: Yeah good luck ^^'

2006-05-12 [sita14]: Hehe...I'll need it. I dunno if I'll wanna dance in front of people.

2006-05-12 [someelf]: I'm not going to comment on that ^^

2006-05-12 [KnightAngel]: Heh you didn't had to dance with me XD

2006-05-12 [someelf]: *Pokes him*

2006-05-12 [sita14]: Okay...I'm lost...

2006-05-12 [someelf]: Eli and I danced on my prom X_x

2006-05-12 [sita14]: Oh...Cool.

2006-05-12 [someelf]: We almost tripped x.x

2006-05-12 [KnightAngel]: Not my fault! You where so embarrased it was a fortune we didn't fully fall o.o

2006-05-12 [sita14]: lol :P

2006-05-12 [someelf]: XD Shhhhhh

2006-05-12 [sita14]: why?

2006-05-12 [KnightAngel]: Well we're there ready to start dancing... She is so nervous that I was wondering weither we where going to end up running for the nearest exit or going to rush into a dance... And well it ended up with a... Kind of mix I suppose... Or at least so her body did o.o

2006-05-12 [someelf]: X_x

2006-05-12 [sita14]: lol...Sorry, but that would've been funny to see. I hope that doesn't happen to me.

2006-05-12 [someelf]: I hope so too ^^ But I suck at dancing anyway XD And getting watched at X_x

2006-05-12 [KnightAngel]: Well don't know but I hope not... Not that I ever really cared about such since I know it doesn't matter as long as you enjoy the actual event ^_^

2006-05-12 [KnightAngel]: And don't say that.... You where just to damn nervous o.o You where nervous enough for your whole class plus me o.o

2006-05-12 [sita14]: See...I can't exactly dance...

2006-05-12 [KnightAngel]: Heck I ain't no Fred Astair but heck I enjoy and that is what matters... Especially since now a days dancing is much about personal style o.o

2006-05-12 [sita14]: lol I'll have my friend with me, so I won't make a fool of myself alone.

2006-05-12 [someelf]: XD Makeee funnnn ^^

2006-07-04 [Thε ßαd Turkεy]: Due to a recent coup d'état at Bob's Diner, you are all welcome back there.

2006-07-04 [nokaredes]: ...I don't think you're allowed to comment here.

2006-07-04 [Thε ßαd Turkεy]: ...oh, there's plenty of loopholes...

2006-07-04 [Bookwyrm]: Please leave. I'm not going to be rude, I don't even intend to, but simply to remove the chance of any arguments - please leave. Brightest blessings on you and yours.

2006-07-05 [Thε ßαd Turkεy]: Yeah, I know... I just come in here and cause a ruckus, don't I?

2006-07-05 [Bookwyrm]: Would you please be so kind as to leave until Michelle returns, at the very least? She is having a rough enough time without other disruptions. Please, I'm not trying to cause problems, I'm just trying to look out for Michelle. So for the sake of another human being, please leave.

2006-07-05 [Thε ßαd Turkεy]: I'm not talking to you there, dingus. I'm talking to the manager/ex-worker of B's D...

2006-07-05 [Bookwyrm]: Please leave.

2006-07-05 [nokaredes]: The former workers of B's D have already heard you. Besides, she told you to leave, so if you don't, you could get banned again. <_<

2006-07-05 [Thε ßαd Turkεy]: ...not former managers, my dear... former workers. Which, Mothyr Witch has nothing to do with. Nor is she in any position to ask me to leave... just... tellin' ol' wolfy she can come back if she wants...

2006-07-05 [nokaredes]: that that's done with...shoo?

2006-07-05 [Bookwyrm]: Well she will have read your message. Please leave now.

2006-07-06 [Angelic nightmares]: I'mnot going back you ruddy scallywag. You told me to leave, so I left. I took my knowledge of running a place, from B.D.s and used it to create my own place. I'm happy here. I really am. Now, Plesae, I dont want my old job back.

2006-07-06 [Thε ßαd Turkεy]: *picks nose*... reeaally? ...*eats ramen*...

2006-07-06 [Angelic nightmares]: Look, you asked me to leave B.D's, and after some resistints, {and a message form the guards} I quit going. It took me 2 months, to stop watching the page. But, I'm fine now. I dont want to go back. Actually, come to think about it, I'm not fine. But I dont want my old job back.

2006-07-06 [Thε ßαd Turkεy]: ...Didn't offer you your job back... I said you could come back... 'sides... that was [Mortified Penguin]!

2006-07-06 [Angelic nightmares]: Like I said, I'm not coming back. Now, please, leave, {as Mothyr has asked}

2006-07-06 [Thε ßαd Turkεy]: ...whatever you say, crazy lady...

2006-07-19 [Mortified Penguin]: Due to another political takeover by me, you're all banned from B's D! Have a nice day!... *eats ramen*...

2006-07-19 [Angelic nightmares]: One more comment out of either of you, and a report is getting sent to the guards. Which I can get away with, cause you can consider that your warning!

2006-07-26 [the loved wolf]: 'ELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

2006-07-26 [Angelic nightmares]: Hey JoJo

2006-07-26 [the loved wolf]: how is my ronni????

2006-07-26 [Angelic nightmares]: eh, ok

2006-08-03 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ frowns and sits in the darkness looking around as he bares his fangs and says nothing ~

2006-08-03 [Nuit Darksin]: ummmm pirates don't have fangs lol

2006-08-03 [Angelic nightmares]: He does.

2006-08-04 [Nuit Darksin]: meh ok i don't care

2006-08-04 [Angelic nightmares]: Well... -smiles- with that said...can I get you anything?

2006-08-05 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods and looks towards the voice and smiles wide baring his fangs even more ~ I would like some blood meade...that is to say, if you have it...

2006-08-05 [Angelic nightmares]: -turns to Ryan and smiles- Sure do. -dissapears and then returns- Your drink mi'lord -she says bowing slightly as she hands him his drink-

2006-08-05 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and nods and tosses a light bag of gold towards you ~ Thank you, I have had the craving of blood and meade all day! How dost thou fair today?

2006-08-05 [Angelic nightmares]: -catches the bag, and ties it to her belt- It goes well -she says sitting down across from him- business is usual.

2006-08-05 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles ~ You know, I have a feeling business will not be so slow, I would like to inform you also, you may now dock the ship in the Kingdom of Torros-Arrok...if you so choose...

2006-08-05 [Angelic nightmares]: Oh, wicked. THanks! -jumps up and hugs him- sorry -blushes and lets go, taking her seat again-

2006-08-05 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ giggles slightly ~ It is fine! ~ smiles and bares his fangs ~ The people of Torros-Arrok was discussing it and we decided on it, the port has been built, and eveything is preped for your arrival!

2006-08-05 [Angelic nightmares]: Oh thank you so much -she says as she smiles happily-

2006-08-05 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles kindly and looks to the table top and drinks his blood meade happily ~

2006-08-05 [Angelic nightmares]: -smiles and tilts her head to the side watching him-

2006-08-05 [Nuit Darksin]: Can I get a smirnoff please?

2006-08-05 [Angelic nightmares]: Right away sir -Emma says standing up quickly, she then reappears- What flavor would you like?

2006-08-05 [Nuit Darksin]: I don't care just give me one. *he says sadly*

2006-08-05 [Angelic nightmares]: -Emma nods quickly, and returns with Green Apple- Sorry sir, its all I could find. -noticing the sadness in his eyes, Emma sits down next to him- Whats bothering you mate?

2006-08-05 [Nuit Darksin]: *takes a drink of smirnoff green apple* My girlfriend lost her baby. It wasn't mine but still....

2006-08-05 [Angelic nightmares]: Oh -a saddened look appears on her face- I'm so sorry mate. I really am

2006-08-06 [Nuit Darksin]: It's ok *downs the rest of the smirnoff* Can I have another? This time make it a Smirnoff Black please

2006-08-06 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma nods slowly, "Right away sir" she leaves, and then returns with his drink

2006-08-06 [Nuit Darksin]: "Thank you."

2006-08-06 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ watches emma and smiles innocently ~ You know what? I think you should take some time off...

2006-08-06 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma looks to Keyurg, "I couldnt do that."

2006-08-06 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ giggles and stands up ~ Why not? I will take it from here!~ he said as he handed her a small bag of coins ~I found these. I think they are...well...from your father...

2006-08-06 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma looks up at him, a confused look on her face, "My...father?" she asked softly, looking at the bag "My fathers dead"

2006-08-06 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods ~ I know that, but his spirit is not, I found these coins while we built the port for Torros-Arrok, and I noticed they were like memento coins, because they had Jack Sparrow written on them...But that is for you to figure out. He may have passed away, but, his spirit has not. ~ he said as he looked to the ground ~

2006-08-06 [-dot-]: *yawns*

2006-08-06 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma looked back down at the coins, and quietly slipped the coins in her pocket, "Thank you" she said softly

2006-08-06 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods and gives her a friendly hug and sits back down at the counter and watches her work quietly ~

2006-08-06 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma nods quickly, and then looks around

2007-03-19 [nokaredes]: No comments in 2007 ;_;

2007-03-20 [Angelic nightmares]: Mostly cause the wiki died. But you gave it life. COngrats.

2007-03-20 [nokaredes]: Whee! Can I post something about an ominous bouncer...?

2007-03-21 [the loved wolf]: *walks in and looks around* hi everyone

2007-04-26 [Bookwyrm]: BOOM! Rustle rustle...CRASH!

-bounds out of the kitchen cheerfully and looks around-

What? Nobody else rescued me from the giant rats in the I asploded them. ^__^ WAKE UP PIRATES! IT'S TIME TO PARTAY! -throws chocolate confetti-

2007-04-27 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma looks up grinning at her life long friend, "Ya know..." she says then pauses "those rats were for breakfast" she continues, then falls out of her chair giggling

2007-04-27 [Bookwyrm]: -puts her hands on her hips- Well then ya shouldn't have let them out of their cells, mate! Didn't anyone think to come and check on lil' ol' me?! I'd rather NOT have them for breakfast than let y'all have 'im for breakfast after they've had ME for breakfast! I'm too beautiful to be eaten for brekkers! -wiggles hips with a mock swoon-

2007-04-27 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma laughs even harder, "If 'em rat eva ate you, I'd be killin 'em" Emma finally able to stand on her feet, "can't be nuttin without me best mate" she said grinning from ear to ear

2007-04-27 [Bookwyrm]: -walks into the kitchen with a slight grin and begins dragging out what appears to be a once-living rat- It's just a lil'...crispy. -grins micheviously- Would ya like some fries wit' that?

2007-04-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma falls to the ground laughing again, only this time harder than before, "Oyi! ME bum" she shouts, and laughs again, pulling her self back up, "Nah, I'm good" Emma smirked, "Filled up on rum, me did"

2007-04-28 [Bookwyrm]: -grins again- Well aw'right then. -slams the burnt carcass on the counter and returns to the kitchen to rummage through the food stores- Well I'M hungry and not in the mood for a crispy rat...

2007-04-28 [Mortified Penguin]: Yo! ...I'm home!

2007-04-28 [nokaredes]: You know you're not supposed to comment here...

2007-04-28 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma once agian, tries to stand up, and this time successed, "Aye mate, let 'em stay"

2007-04-29 [nokaredes]: ...for you? Okay.

2007-04-29 [Angelic nightmares]: Emma wobbled a bit on her feet as she headed for the kitchen

2007-11-29 [Mortified Penguin]: ...this place seems to be dying... it needs advertising... *eats ramen*...

2007-12-02 [Angelic nightmares]: This place is always dying.

2007-12-02 [the loved wolf]: boo

2008-06-04 [Angelic nightmares]: Hey JoJo, what'll it be mate?

2008-06-06 [the loved wolf]: anything that avalible that will make the pain go away

2008-06-08 [Angelic nightmares]: Wanna talk? You know thats what I'm here for. -grabs a shot glass from behind the bar, and hands it to you along with a bottle of rum-

2008-06-08 [the loved wolf]: i'm just having a very rough time of things. the most important person in my life wants nothing to do with me and i don't know why

2008-09-14 [Mortified Penguin]: There... I changed it back.

2011-02-15 [Mortified Penguin]: ...*eats ramen*...

2018-12-01 [Mortified Penguin]: *smashes a bottle*


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